Monday, 21 August 2023

WAYMARKERS - Solo Exhibition and Residency, 9 Nov - 17 Dec, from out of the blue studio gallery, Opunake


Early in February 2022, as I was preparing for my first-ever solo exhibition, 

Viv Davy contacted me via my blog and extended an invitation 

to have a solo exhibition and to do a residency at her gallery

from out of the blue studio gallery.

Photo credit: from out of the blue studio gallery


from out of the blue studio gallery

18 Halse Place,






Artist's Profile and exhibition intro:


all of the other artist's connected with the gallery

Keep an eye out for our ART NEWS NZ Ad!

After my initial suspicions were dispelled (that this invitation must surely be a scam) I was beyond delighted, and excited, at the prospect and immediately set about percolating ideas for a completely new body of work focusing attention on my artist's books and mixed media structures. 

Waymarkers, Work in Progress, Toni Hartill

Diorama detail, Toni Hartill

Viv also invited me to exhibit a collection of pieces 

in The Beach group exhibition at the gallery last summer. 

This was a wonderful chance to participate with 

this creative community and I’m so grateful 

to have been invited to contribute alongside such talent. 

Artist's books by Toni Hartill, "The Beach" group exhibition

View earlier blog posts about The Beach HERE

including detailed images of my works.

The extreme weather events of Jan/Feb 2023 

hindered my plans to visit the gallery at the time 

however I did have the chance to pop down 

to Opunake in July. 

Road trip to Opunake, Taranaki, July 2023

Read my earlier blog post HERE about my visit to Opunake.

"Taradise" artist's residence and holiday accommodation, Opunake.

Meeting Viv, seeing the gallery and staying in the residency gave us ample opportunity to discuss everything from installation nitty gritty to possible workshops and residency plans. My time with Viv quelled my fears and sent my excitement levels through the roof! 

Now, in Aug 2023, I am at the pointy end of preparations. 

Waymarkers, Work in Progress, Toni Hartill

I think I have completed all new work, more or less... 

and I’m now embarking on the many admin tasks 

required to prepare so many pieces, of such diverse 

size, shape and form, for the exhibition. 

Waymarkers, Work in Progress, Toni Hartill

Waymarkers, Work in Progress, Toni Hartill

Residency Goals

I’m also beginning to plan my goals and intentions for the residency. 

Having this very special time and space to work on my art, away from the distractions of my everyday life, is beyond thrilling. 

Unlike some residencies, where you might be expected to produce a body of work to present at the end of the residency, I have no such commitment. I look forward to creating as inspiration strikes, with time to focus on experimentation and play! 

Now, which sketchbooks should I take? 

My particular interest is to experiment with mark making inspired by the landscape using all manner of media, with a goal of increasing my mark making "vocab" and continuing to grow my arts practice in new and unexpected ways. 

I also hope to make the most of any opportunity to learn new skills 

and to develop ideas for different ways of working.

See you there! 

I am also so looking forward to sharing my work with a new audience and am especially excited to meet some of the many creative people who have a special connection with Viv and her gallery. 

Stay tuned!

Nearer the time, we will announce details for planned






And you're invited!

"The Raine it Raineth Every Day" Toni Hartill